Ella Renner
Obituary's Biography:
July 13, 1941 – July 20, 2023
Ella (Gavenia) Renner, 82, was called home to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, on July 20, 2023 after declining health in her last few years.
Ella was born in Bütow, Germany and immigrated to the U.S. at age 15 when the family moved to Chicago, preceded by her brothers’ arrival. She often told stories of coming to America, meeting her husband Walter at one of her beloved German dances and spending time with her dear and close friends.
After high school Ella found a job working for Union Carbide selling industrial gases. Ella was very social and met some of her friends at this first job. In these early years in America Ella was carefree and adventurous. In 1962 Ella and her friend decided to visit a beach in Florida. While at the beach they remarked how few people were at the beach. Only later on returning home did they realize the Cuban missile crisis was unfolding.
Ella married Walter and had two children after which she took on many roles. Ella was a mother, housewife and worked alongside Walter in the family business as his office manager. Ella also worked at different delicatessens over the years. Ella enjoyed food in all aspects including cooking, presentation and serving friends and relatives at many events she hosted.
Ella could often be found cooking delicious German food in her kitchen while listening to her favorite German folk music. She also enjoyed reading her favorite German magazines, singing, dancing, crossword puzzles and entertaining many friends and family. At one New Year’s Eve party, Ella found there was no room in the refrigerator for 3 pounds of sausages her sister Marta had brought with and decided to place them outside on the deck where it was freezing cold. The next day they discovered a racoon had decided to also enjoy a New Years snack of sausage, leaving only very small pieces behind. Ella cherished her visits with her sister Meta in Germany and her brother Franz.
Ella is survived by her beloved husband, Walter; son, Michael (Sara); daughter, Kristine (Brian); sister, Meta (Helmut) Kratz; brother, Franz Gavenia; 5 beloved grandchildren, Alec, Haley, Christian, Jack and Sophia; and many nieces and a nephew. Ella was preceded in death by her parents, Jonas and Auguste Gavenia; Marta Gudat (sister); and Heinrich Gavenia (brother).
A celebration of life will be held on Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at Strang Funeral Chapel, 410 East Belvidere Road (Rt 120), Grayslake, IL. A visitation will begin at 9:30 AM and followed by a Christian celebration at 11:00 AM. Interment will be private at Memorial Park Cemetery in Skokie, IL.
To LiveStream Ella’s funeral service, please use the following link: https://venues.vimeo.com/1688676628014?lang=en-US
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Wenn die Zeit endet beginnt die Ewigkeit
Lieber Walter, liebe Kris, lieber Mike
Aufrichtige Anteilnahme zum Tod deiner lieben Frau und eurer lieben Mutter.
Ihr habt einen lieben Menschen verloren. Ella hinterlässt eine große Lücke in eurer Familie.
Meine Gedanken sind bei euch und euren Familien
Annegret mit Andreas und Franziska
Wenn die Sonne des Lebens untergeht,
leuchten die Sterne der Erinnerung
Vielen Dank Annegret.